04 September 2008

NEW, expanded and improved!

Marlyn's Corner Store is now live!

I'd be most appreciative if you'd check it out and comment, whether or not you buy anything.


  1. Congratulations! I browsed...will likely return when a need arises. Beautiful things...:-)

  2. Congrats! I will return. In the meantime, in answer to your question on my blog:

    http://www.democraticstuff.com Marlyn!

    Got Jon a cool "Jazz for Obama" button, too.

    (But then I felt a little guilty, so I went to http://store.barackobama.com and ordered myself a straightforward "Women for Obama" bumper sticker. I haven't had a bumper sticker on my car since someone tried to rip off my "Uppity Women Unite" one, and left simply, "Women Unite."


Thank you so much for dropping by and reading my blog. I do read all comments, and try to respond.


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