26 November 2006

American Thanksgiving in Canada

Well, it's come and gone. Katy, Tod and I flew to Victoria by way of Seattle last Monday, having to leave the house very early to catch our 8 a.m. flight. Finally arrived in Sidney (where the Victoria airport actually is) early afternoon, and drove to the house, which was only about 15 minutes away.
The house was huge! It had 6 bedrooms, though only 3 baths, a huge kitchen, dining room, living room with fireplace, and a sunroom. It also had a pool and a spa, though it was a little chilly to use either of those. (It was about 46 F when we arrived, and never really got too much warmer than that. Oh, and it rained every day.)

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This is the house from the backyard

Bonnie, Monica, Tom, Megan, Carole, Bruce and Marnie had already arrived.
Once we got settled in, we decided to go to the market. We went to Thrifty Foods, which is Vancouver Island-based. It's a pretty cool store. They have a deli with fresh meats and cheeses, a huge bakery, a natural foods section, and a pretty impressive produce section. My purpose in tagging along on this expedition was to get Nanaimo bars and tea. None of the Americans had ever heard of Nanaimo bars, and none of them really tea drinkers, either. I picked up two packages of 1/2 dozen bars, and once we got home, they disappeared pretty quickly. (The next day, Bruce went back to the market and picked up about 6 more packages.)

Bruce made spaghetti for dinner. After we ate and cleaned up, and checked our email, I went to bed. It was only about 9:30, but I'd been up since 4 and I was tired.

To be continued....

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